Why won't the software run properly?




How to Update Video Drivers

Sometimes it may be necessary to try to run OptiShot with an outdated or slower video card. In these cases, the software video settings may be lowered. Rest assured that even with reduced graphical settings the simulator will still look very good.


The 3DD Golf Settings program offers you the opportunity to make changes to the Screen and Audio settings for OptiShot. This allows you to select the settings for your computer to give you the best visual results.
Although it is not required, OptiShot should be run at the same screen resolution as your computer. To modify these and other software settings, follow the steps below.

If you notice slowness or jerkiness in the running of OptiShot, feel free to make changes to any of the following to find the combination that works best for your computer and graphics card.

Resolution This is the height and width in pixels of the OptiShot display.
Aspect Ratio Change to match your monitor, wide screen or standard.
Anti Aliasing This controls the smoothing of edges in the graphics, higher is smoother.
Fullscreen Sets OptiShot to run in fullscreen mode (recommended) or within a window.
Landscape Quality Set to High for higher end graphics cards.
Shadow Quality Set to High for higher end graphics cards.
High Water Quality Select for higher end graphics cards.
Enable Audio Turn sounds on or off.


If you find that you still have an issue, you will need to upgrade your computer or run the software on a different computer.